Workplace Drug Testing

Workplace drug testing

Often Forgotten, Until Its Too Late.

Drug and alcohol abuse has the potential to ruin lives in the blink of an eye. That's why our aim is to provide affordable workplace deals, to ensure workplace drug testing makes the business budget.

Workplace Problems

In today's society, where drugs and alcohol are universally accessible, it's highly probable that even small businesses are grappling with the consequences of drug use and addiction. Whether it involves the misuse of prescription painkillers or class A substances, such substance abuse can result in physical and mental impairment, ultimately compromising workplace safety.

  • Safety

    Employees can be relied on to be able to make the right decisions for the safest working environment

  • Productivity

    An increase in productivity can be expected from employees who are healthier and more alert

  • Morale

    Use of random drug tests in the workplace may be enough to steer employees away from drug use.

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Methods of testing

The introduction of routine workplace drug testing and initial background screen can aid in providing a safer working environment. We supply urine and saliva (oral) drug screening tests, which can be used to identify employees who have recently abused drugs or alcohol.

We recommend purchasing at least one of our lab urine or saliva test kits, so that a legally accredited confirmation can be obtained after getting a positive test result on the ALLTEST screening tests. The screening tests are not enough to proceed with legal action on their own.

Best Drug Tests For Workplace Testing

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i start workplace drug testing?

Employee consent is required to start drug testing in the workplace.

A health and safety policy, should be added to an employees contract or staff handbook, to request full contractual consent through signature.

Alternatively, you can use the consent form provided below this FAQ

How often should workplace drug testing be done?

Once a year is the minimum we would recommend.

However a higher frequency is recommended for certain safety critical industries where employee responsibility is increased and the risk to other employees and the public is higher, such as HGV operators, construction etc .

It is important that the test date is random so employees can not attempt to bypass the drug test.

Which employees should I drug test?

To ensure employee privacy and morale are upheld, drug testing should be limited to only employees that need to be drug tested, due to their specific role.

There should be a valid concern for safety, where an employee being impaired could lead to unsafe conditions.

It is also important not to single out a particular employee for testing unless this is justified by the nature of their job.

Can i force employees to take a drug test?

Employees can not be forced to take a drug test but if they refuse when the employer has good grounds for testing, they can face disciplinary action if their contract states that they must undergo drug testing.

Workplace Drug Test Consent Form 

Feel free to obtain and utilize our complimentary drug and alcohol testing employee consent form. Access the PDF by clicking the link provided below. Download our versatile drug test procedure, along with the drug test consent and record form. Workplace Drug Testing Consent Form

How do you complete an employee drug and alcohol consent form?

Watch our video below explaining how to complete the legal form.

Completing A Drug Test Conesent Form